Monday, July 9, 2007

In Singapore’s multi-racial society, there is the presence of cultural and religious pluralism. This is made possible due to the fact that individuals of this small country have a sense of social responsibility as well as adequate sensitivity towards people other than their own selves.

I strongly believe that the view of Szilagyi should be adopted, given Singapore’s secular state of existence. As shown, Szilagyi asserts that it is the “media’s responsibility in leading an informed, high-quality discussion, with due respect for minority rights”. By saying this, it portrays that each and every person in the society should bear responsibility for their own actions and its inevitable consequences. They should also express matured views about issues while keeping in check that these do not violate other people’s human rights and beliefs.

Furthermore, the society should not focus “solely on freedom” of expression but have greater emphasis on social responsibility instead. In order to attain a more holistic and united country, influential leaders of Singapore should inject the importance of societal responsibility into the everyday lives of the population. With reference to Szilagyi’s view, this ultimately helps to “protect the collective interests” of certain groups and prevent their rights from being breached by any form of media.

Alternatively, Peter Singer’s opinion on how a society should work must be avoided at all cost. As quoted, he insists that “we apply the principle of freedom of expression even-handedly, whether it offends Muslims, Christians, Jews, or anyone else”. This strongly exemplifies one’s belief that freedom of expression is a basic right that can be used anytime and anywhere, at the expense of other people’s well-being. Unfortunately, this kind of thinking, which arises from one’s self-centredness, can be the downfall of a society.

In conclusion, the way Singapore’s multi-racial society operates should be along the lines of the suggestions made by Szilagyi. This ensures that the country maintains a harmonious, pleasant environment in which disorder is minimal and kept at bay.

1 comment:

webspinner said...

Able to disinguish the differing views of the authors and relate them to own experiences. Nicely, steph!
Grade: B